How to use Biodiversity Atlas Kenya

How to explore Maps
The explore map option will allow you to view a graphical representation of selected locations and their data in Kenya. You will explore the data in those areas by clicking on a given map.
Click on explore maps on the homepage
How to explore Data categorized by kingdom
This section shows records of selected kindgoms in Kenya. It consists of a kingdom and the occurrences of that kingdom in numbers
Click the kingdom you want to know more about as shown below
After clicking the selected kingdom, the information that follows is a summary of that kingdom. For an indepth coverage of a kingdom, click on resources > reports on the menu items; This will allow you to download a pdf file with more information on the kingdom.
How to explore Data
On this section, you will explore data by clicking on a graphic map which show a map and a number of selected species in Kenya. The map data is also subdivided into counties with each county showing selected species.
To get an overview of biodiversity data in Kenya click on Kenya map. You will see a map of Kenya and selected species-numbers shown
To get an overview of biodiversity data in the 47 counties click on county map. You will see a map of Kenya subdivided into counties and selected species-numbers shown
Hover and click on a county to get more details.
On the right side of the map shown, there is a number of selected species and their numbers. Click on a species on the right to get additional information as shown below
Additional county’s information is provided and accessed via the county map. Under the county map submenu on the top navigation, click on the buttons as shown below to access the additional information of the selected counties in Kenya.
How to download resources
Click on the resources menu on the top navigation. The reports dropdown-menu will take you to the reports page. Here, click on the download button to get a pdf file of the listed resources.
How to Login | Create a Post
  • Click on the login button at the top right side of the top navigation menu bar.
  • If already registered key in your details to login
  • If not, click on the register button. Enter your details on the fields provided and click register.
  • To create a post, the register button will redirect you to the backend.
  • At the top, click Posts ‘Add New’ and fill in the title and body on the fields provided.
  • After creating your post, click on the publish button on the right hand side to make it visible online.
How to explore Tools of analysis
Click here for more information on analytical tools